Sakamoto Days
Sakamoto Days follows the story of Taro Sakamoto, a former feared hitman who, after retiring for a peaceful life, finds himself facing his past once again. This series blends humor, action, and explosive fights while showcasing Sakamoto's unique day-to-day life. Explore a selection of exclusive products inspired by this original universe: figures, accessories, and collectibles, perfect for capturing the dynamic and quirky spirit of the series. Ideal for those looking to relive the story's most exciting moments.
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Sakamoto Days: Chibi Plush Mascot - Nagumo (Reissue) [Bandai Namco Nui]
US$10.51 -10%US$9.46Soon availableSakamoto Days: Chibi Plush Mascot - Kai Kamigami (Reissue) [Bandai Namco Nui]
US$10.51 -10%US$9.46Soon availableSakamoto Days: Chibi Plush Mascot - Shin Asakura (Reissue) [Bandai Namco Nui]
US$10.51 -10%US$9.46Soon availableSakamoto Days: Chibi Plush Mascot - Taro Sakamoto (Reissue) [Bandai Namco Nui]
US$10.51 -10%US$9.46Soon availableSakamoto Days: Yura Yura Acrylic Blocks (16 Packs Box) [Medicos Entertainment]
US$108.11 -25%US$81.08Soon availableSakamoto Days: Trading Badges (16 Packs Box) [Medicos Entertainment]
US$54.05 -25%US$40.54Soon available